Thursday, 21 June 2012

A sunny day

Yesterday was a deliciously hot day in the garden so photographs were a must.  How different could today be with rain and feeling so very humid... perfect growing weather though really, so I'll make no complaints. Here are the photographs I took yesterday with just a few samples of what is growing in the garden at the moment.

In order of appearance we have: Ammi Majus with Sweet Williams in the background, larkspur, cornflowers, two types of scabious, Miss Willmott and Clive Greaves then finally the beautiful love-in-a-mist.

Happy, sunny days.


  1. I saw the sun from the office window. I sighed. Happy Summer Solstice!

    1. Thanks Blarbs myself and the flowers throw it right back at ya'!

  2. Just found your lovely site,and was going to comment on some of your posts, but the comments seem to be obscured by text at the bottom of your posts?
    Anyway, glad I found your Blog, I, too, am a grower!
    Heres to a much better growing year than last!
