Thursday 6 June 2013

An Ode to the Tulip

Is it really over a month since my last blog ... where does the time go?  Well, actually, I know where it goes, it goes into the arrival of the rush of spring and the garden suddenly bursting and crying out for attention, “weed me”, “sow me”, “prune me”, “plant me”, “pick me”, “bunch me” and so forth.  I have also had to say a sad au revoir to my tulips so I thought I would celebrate their passing and share a ‘visual ode’ to the tulip in the Foragefor cutting garden for this year.

In the garden after a hard pick for a spring wedding.

No, the ladders aren't an escape route!

The beautiful 'Irene' parrot tulip.
The super, 'Super parrot' in full chaotic open mode!


Tight buds of 'Rococo', 'Falling in Love' and 'Uncle Tom'.

All ablaze with 'Westpoint', 'Ballerina', 'Rococo' and 'Uncle Tom'.

Preparing for spring 'tulip weddings' and events.

And of course tulips make delicious snacks too!  Here they are with scoops of dessert creams.

Orange, hazelnut and cointreau syrup cream on 'Irene' tulip petal.

Eton mess cream on 'Falling in Love' lily tulip petal.

Violet syrup and blackcurrant cream on 'Lilac Perfection'.

When I cut tulips for the vase I'm always amazed how much they continue to grow, so just to feed my curiosity, I measured the growth of a 'Blue Parrot' tulip over a week and it actually grew a heady 17cm in 7 days!

Farewell you luscious lovely tulips and adieu until 2014!


  1. How beautiful. It's almost worth getting married - just to have one of those lovely bouquets.

    1. Oh definitely and then please can I make Chris one of these headdresses?! X

  2. I just love how you actually measured how much your cut tulip grew!

    1. Yes, strangely Julie, some friends have started telling me I need to get out more!
